Below are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. If the answer to your question does not match, please contact us via the blue button at the top of your screen.

team building games for work

Ik welke talen kan het spel worden gespeeld?

Alle boxen zijn drietalig (Nederlands, Engels en Duits). Het spel kan ook in deze drie talen begeleid worden.

Are all boxed identical?

No, each of the boxes is unique. On average, you take 15 minutes to solve one box; you play multiple boxes during the game.

Do you play the Escape Game individually?

No, you play the Escape Game in teams of 3 to 5 people.

What is the minimum and maximum group size?

You can play the Mobile Escape Game of group escape from 25 people. Each round of 60 or 90 minutes a maximum of 125 people can participate in the game. By dividing multiple sessions over a day, the Escape Game has a capacity of up to 500 people per day.

Where can the Escape Game be used?

The Mobile Escape Game of group escape can be used throughout the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium at any desired location.

How long does the Escape Game last?

One game takes 60 to 90 minutes, depending on your wishes. It is possible to book multiple games in a row. That way up to 500 people per day can play the Mobile Escape Game.